Location: Hollister Hall B14

Time: Mon and Wed. 7:30pm - 8:45pm

Instructor: Elaine Shi

Course Description

Introductory course in cryptography. Topics include one-way functions, encryption, digital signatures, pseudo-random number generation, zero-knowledge and basic protocols. Emphasizes fundamental notions and constructions with proofs or security based on precise definitions and assumptions


CS 2800 (or equivalent) or permission of instructor.

By equivalent, it means discrete math, probability, some degree of mathematical maturity.


Class participation and quizzes: 20%

Midterm 1: 15%

Midterm 2: 15%

Final: 10%

Homeworks and labs: 40%

Optional: bonus project/tasks


  • Homeworks and labs: submission through CMS. There is a 48 hour grace period, but with 20% off (your score * 80%). Later submissions are allowed, but incur more penalty at the instructor’s discretion (with a sharp dropoff).
  • 5-minute quiz before every class
  • Distribute lecture notes/scribes after every class


None required. Optional textbook:

Instructor: Elaine Shi

Office: Gates 437.

Office hours: Monday 11:00-11:30am/noon, or by appointment.

Email: runting at gmail dot com . Please begin your subject line with "[cs4830]", otherwise your email may be filtered by my email filter.


Weikai Lin (wl572).

Email: [cornell id] at cornell.edu


Yue Guo (yg393).

Email: [cornell id] at cornell.edu


Office hours: 3-4pm 9-10am on Friday, at Gates G15.